The Lucky 7 Game!

When I’m mad at my dear, dear friend Scott Tracey, I call him Scottopher. It has more heft as a lecture name, don’t you think? “Scottopher Tracey, get down here this minute! And no dessert for you!
Well, Scottopher is getting All The Looks this morning & I’m not mailing him any of the cinnamon buns I made this week. What was he thinking tagging me in a writer chain letter? He knows how I feel about luck.*
My debut novel, Send Me a Sign, is ABOUT superstition— if I break the chain, that’s probably like spitting on a black cat or playing paintball in a funhouse mirror room.
So here are the rules (copied straight from Scott’s post)
Open your most recent novel or work-in-progress.

Turn to page 7 or page 77.

Count 7 lines down.

Copy (or read aloud in a vlog post) the next 7 sentences…in their entirety.
No cheating or editing!!!

Then tag 7 more authors!
And here is my snippet — it’s an email my MC (Della) receives early in the book. And it’s exactly seven sentences.
Della. I’m sorry. So sorry. I never meant for this to get out. I know I promised I’d delete it. I’m so sorry. So sorry.
This is from my current contemp WIP. Codename: Full Nuder**
Oh. And my seven people:
*Scottopher, I’m not really mad. In case you were worried, which you weren’t because my anger is about as scary as a rage-filled cupcake.
** Yes, this does make me gigglefit EVERY time.

*** Remember that book I was raving about in my last post, The Archived? She’s sharing from THAT!

Winners! – Breathless Reads Contest

You’ve all left me breathless with your enthusiasm for this contest! YA fans are the BEST.
And you left fabulous answers, too! I so enjoyed reading them all! Some of them made me teary, others left me in *gigglefits* — and, of course, I loved seeing the names of so many YA guys on that list. Hopefully when SEND ME A SIGN comes out this October, my heroes leave some of you a little short of breath.
But you’re here for the winners—so let’s get to that.
This was supposed to be my project for while the Schmidtlets took their afternoon nap— but the amount of time required to type up 170! names and cut 170! slips of paper exceeded the amount of time the twins are willing to sleep.
So instead of peace and quiet, I got helpers. I put all those slips of names in The Wild Imp’s sunhat — and we had a little bit of a lesson on no, you can’t wear the hat while all that paper is in it.
The Wild Imp chose a name for Prize Pack 1:
Congratulations, Jana! You’ve won a Breathless Reads poster, and signed copies of Across The Universe and Legend.
After stirring all the names for awhile, I finally convinced The Pip Squeak to choose ONE for Prize Pack 2:
Congratulations, Annabelle H.! I’ll be sending a Breathless Reads poster and signed copies of Born Wicked and Nightshade your way.
Thank you to everyone who entered! Please check back  again soon—I’ve got some more prizes… and A COVER REVEAL (eeep!) in the works.

Leave me Breathless…

Yeah, I know, the title* of this post makes it sound like I’m about to launch into a romance story. Not so much.

Though I do love the books I’m about to giveaway.

I was lucky enough to have the Breathless Reads tour come to my town on Sunday night. It doesn’t get much more wonderful than having four fabulous authors delivered down the street from your house.
Even better, I got to spend some time with fellow Apocalypsies Eve Marie Mont and Elise Ludwig 

while we listened to Beth Revis, Jessica Spotswood, Marie Lu, and Andrea Cremer share their authorly wisdom.

But I already have all their books, so these signed copies are for you.

And see that cute poster I’m holding in that photo?  I’m giving away two of those as well.

I’ll choose two winners:

#1 Will receive a poster, and signed copies of Across The Universe and Legend.

#2 Will receive a poster and signed copies of Born Wicked and Nightshade.

All you have to do is comment below and let me know one thing that leaves you breathless. It can be anything, I’ll even start.

Running, leaves me breathless—I’m still waiting the point when I can drop the getting from getting in shape and just be in shape.

Finn, from BORN WICKED, also leaves me a little breathless and swoony.

Feel free to enter more than once – just leave a new comment for each breath-thief and I’ll count it as a new entry.

I’ll choose the winners randomly on Friday during the Schmidtlets’ afternoon nap.

Have fun & good luck!

*Have I dated myself with this? You DO know this song, right?