It wasn’t a lack of interest that was keeping me from Dust of 100 Dogs, but rather a lack of backbone.
I didn’t grow one over the weekend, but the visually stunning and slightly creepy cover sitting on my kitchen counter began to taunt me. Also, I got tired of feeling like the kid at school who doesn’t know the inside joke. Quite simply, I was sick of feeling left out: “What are you talking about guys? Huh? Huh? Tell me. I want to know.” And all the other readers looked at me disdainfully: “Oh, you wouldn’t get it because you haven’t read D100D.” I’ve already survived middle school once – I refuse to go back to that place again.
Although apparently I haven’t out-grown peer pressure…
I was going to start reading it this weekend, but the writing bug bit. Hard! I think it drew blood and left a bruise. Not that I’m complaining, I’m *thrilled!* that I was able to finish the first draft of my WIP (working title/synopsis: The-Book-About-Leukemia-MacGyver-Cheerleading-Superstitions-And-Playlists. TBALMCSAP for short). There was no time for reading. Yesterday I didn’t shower or get out of my pajamas until 5 pm. (Okay, I’ll say it with you: ewwwww!)
I was barely even a presence in the Twittersphere. And sleep? Forget it. The writing bug’s bite is made of caffeine (or maybe that was just the pots of coffee St. Matt made me each night before he and the puggles went up to bed). I don’t know the total number of hours I slept from Friday ‘til this morning – I don’t think I want to know, and I doubt I could do the math at this point anyway. Suffices to say, the number would be a single digit.
But this is GREAT! No, that’s not just the sleep deprivation talking. This is great because I know I’m going to sleep tonight. Like a baby made out of rock who’s overdosed on Nyquil. So all my fear of D100D keeping me up all night – no longer relevant!
I may still be an invertebrate, but my D100D problem is solved.
Can’t wait to join the cool kids club and discuss it when I’m done!
DOOD! You finished your first draft?
WoooHOOOOOOOOOOO for you!!! *sends shower of confetti and…er…coffee*
*~Thanks~* …but I’ve already had my coffee in both shower and confetti form today. I think I’d rather the rest of it in a plain ol’ cup.
*** UPDATE ***
I’m on chapter 12 and feeling like a major dork. The book’s not scary. It’s not about killing dogs. It’s also awesome – so go read it.
LOL at your last comment. Hee! I can’t wait to read it! WHY is it not out on audio?? 😛
Also, props to you and your PJs! If I can get away with it on the weekend, I never get out of mine…unless it’s to go out for dessert – the only reasonable justification.