If the contest had been a spelling list, I’d now be required to use all your words in sentences or a story. That would be a horrendous homework assignment and a VERY LONG spelling list. And, there is less than zero percent chance that I would have gotten the spelling of hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia or pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis or floccinaucinihilipilification correct. But I guess when there’s 100+ words on the list (and awesomesauce is on there three times), it wouldn’t have hurt my score too badly to skip some of your zanier choices 😉
Thank you all for stopping by, entering the race, and sharing your favorite words with me. You are ALL YAmazing.
But there can only be one winner of the YAmazing Race SEND ME A SIGN bonus contest and that person is…
*mentally insert drumroll here*
— I guess “rediculous” is not only adorably adorable, it’s also lucky! Congrats, Desiree!
Also!!! Did you see my BIG NEWS from last week? Did you know BRIGHT BEFORE SUNRISE is already up on GoodReads? It think it would very much like to visit your To-Read shelf…