By putting Fearless Summer out there in the universe, I knew I would be tested. I just didn’t know how MUCH I would be tested or what types of opportunities I’d be given to grow.
Tomorrow I leave for a Fearless Adventure – Five days of whitewater rafting in Utah and Colorado.
Less than 24 hours after I posted my original declaration of Fearless Summer my college roomie called. St. Matt and I already had plane tickets to go visit J-bean and her husband in New Mexico, but those plans were about to change.
“How’d you like to go rafting?” J-bean asked.
“You know, whitewater rafting.”
J-bean proceeded to tell me about how they’d been offered a last minute rafting pass to Gates of Lodore, a place that she and her husband had been wanting to go for years.
I had never considered going whitewater rafting before – it sounds scary and potentially deadly for someone as spaztastic as me. I looked over at St. Matt who was nodding so enthusiastically his head might detach. Taking a fearless breath, I said: “Um, sure. Tell me the details.”
The details include five days on the river in class 3-4 rapids. J-bean’s husband is guide certified, so they have all the gear and it’ll just be us in the raft.
J-bean sent us a list of stuff we’d need and we set about purchasing it.
EMS is a culture unto itself. I felt like I’d been transported to the world of Westerfeld’s Uglies – there were water purifiers and grippy shoes. I found myself looking around for hoverboards and interface rings.
They didn’t have these… but I did find the supplies I needed and all are in pink or green! (For once St. Matt approves of my color scheme because he thinks it’ll make me easier to spot if I wander off in the wilderness.) I even found waterproof notepads for my whitewater *fierce wonderings* and inspirations. They’re green. I bought two. I like buying camping stuff.
I’ve never camped before. When I was six, I was supposed to go camping with my cousins, but before I even got to spend the night in a tent, I managed to break my arm. Badly. Hold your arm up and flop your wrist – see how it creates a 90* angle? Mine did that 3 inches below the wrist joint.
So when I announced that I was go rafting – people worried. “Um, does J-bean know about your… um, tendency to get hurt?”
She does — my college experience wasn’t exactly mishap or ER-free — but conveniently both she and her husband are doctors.
If I fall out of the boat, I figure they’ll fish me out and plop me back in. If I get cut – they’ll stitch me back up.
And St. Matt has already double and triple checked that there’s a helmet with my name on it.
So while others may fret and worry and hug me extra tight before I leave – I’m not anxious. I’m not concerned. I’m FEARLESS.
So wish me luck and leave me messages for when I come back from my FEARLESS adventure – because I will come back, braver, stronger, tanner, and perhaps soggier! THIS is what Fearless Summer is all about!
*disclaimer* I AM concerned about being *gulp* technology-less for FIVE whole days. You won’t see me on twitter or my blog because Gilbert, Petunia and Huey are all going to be left behind where it’s safe and dry!
WOW. bb, I *admire* your FEARLESSNESS!! Enjoy and come back whole, please! 🙂
Good luck. It truly is a fearless summer now.
go forth be brave and know that you’ll be missed while you are gone.
Suze – I will do my very best to remain intact. I never mean to be spaztastic… it just happens 🙂
Andrea – I feel totally fearless right now – check back with me when I see the first set of rapids *gulp*
Irish – I might have some serious twitter withdrawal. I’ll be speaking in 140 character bursts 🙂
~*FEARLESS*~ I’ve never wanted to go rafting, but I wish I was going on this trip so we could be fearless together!
However, I will be counting the days of NoTiffany, and if they exceed the number you specified, I WILL be sending out a search party. 😉 Just think, this could make for great research for…something you don’t know you need it for yet!
Your ~*FEARLESSNESS*~ is inspiring me, woman!
Also going without technology for that long.
That is a brave, brave thing to do.